The release today of the ACCC’s first draft report of its wide-ranging Communications Market Study is a significant milestone in shaping appropriate future regulation of the rapidly changing telecoms and communications sector.
“The detailed analysis found in the Draft Report sets the Commission on a path of better understanding and therefore better regulating the sector to maximise competition to the benefit of consumers,” ACCC spokesperson said.
“The current build-out phase of the National Broadband Network is proving to be highly disruptive to both operators and consumers.”
In addition to the disruption created by the move to a new fixed broadband national infrastructure, many other aspects of the sector are experiencing great change.
Rapid mobile network upgrades, deployment of “internet of things” devices, increasing reliance on internet traffic for Australian businesses to remain competitive and overarching consolidation at the supply level are all changing the shape of the competitive landscape and consumer expectations.
These complex shifts in demand and supply in the sector require regulation that is targeted, precise and consistent to deal effectively with market failures.
Today’s draft Report indicates that the ACCC is well on the path to understanding these complexities.
The CCC looks forward to working closely with the Commission during the next stage of the market study process.