Alliance for competition

in digital communications

Commpete is the united voice of new and established telco companies. Together we have a seat at the regulatory table where we advocate pro-competition policy.

It’s time for real competition in Australia’s digital communications.

Australia is lagging behind other countries when it comes to equal, open and timely access to our nation’s communications infrastructure – its fixed lines, the NBN, mobile 5G networks and beyond.

Commpete advocates for pro-competition policies and regulation in telecommunications markets. We believe that strong challenger brands play an integral role in driving value and innovation to Australian consumers and businesses.

Our alliance aims to secure:
  • Open and adaptable markets for wholesale digital communications enabling greater entry, innovation and competition.
  • Competitive, diverse and less concentrated retail telecommunications markets where the challengers aggregate at least 30% market share.

Hear what Commpete is all about from our chair, Michelle Lim.

We advocate for an environment where competition flourishes and digital innovation thrives to create better value, more flexibility and increased choice.
Significant pricing, policy and service reforms
New technologies and innovations
Major structural regulatory reforms
Increased choice
Encourage more for customers
Rural, regional and remote Australia


We argue the case for real competition and provide a strong, credible and unified voice making it easy for government, regulators, policy makers, industry players and the media to hear the perspective of challengers when it comes to developing and implementing industry and regulatory policy.


Speeches & Analysis

Did you know

Media Releases & Announcements

Commpete regularly argues the case for real competition, greater choice and better value in the telecommunications industry. See more details in a collection of media releases and announcements.

Michelle Lim to step down as Commpete chair

ACMA greenlights faster telco switching for Australian organisations

Commpete and other non-dominant providers front parliament supporting co-investment for regional mobile