
Commpete’s members are aligned on a singular purpose: ensuring Australians experience greater choice, value and flexibility when it comes to telecommunications services. This depends entirely on a competitive market.

Our dedication to this cause is the driver behind our ongoing advocacy and commentary, and we have regularly leant our voice to mainstream national media and technology publications.

In this section you’ll find a collection of Commpete’s mentions in the news, as well as media releases, analyses and a way to contact our team for any media enquiries.

Minister Fletcher’s Recommit to a Structural Separated NBN, good news for Australian Consumers

Minister Fletcher’s rejection of any prospect of Telstra buying the NBN was an important stake in the ground for competition, Commpete said today.

The Minister’s message that any privatisation of NBN was well off into the future was also important as it signalled a period of stability for the industry.
